Monday, May 24, 2010

Comments by Ben

For our assignment number eight, we had to comment on 5 people's post about their highs and lows of the school year. The five people's post I decided to comment on was David's, Arthur's, Lauren's, Michael's, and Hunter Glazner's. When reading these posts I found interesting things, like how I had something in common with all of these people. So, now I will tell you about what I thought about their posts.
Me and David were both new students this year, so I decide to comment on his post. In his post he said that he met the most friendliest friends this year, which was kind o funny because I also met real friendly friends this year also. Though I was sad for David that he did not get to play golf because he never got the news that they were going to have a golf team, but I do agree with him that our sports programs will be a lot better next year.
When I was reading through Arthur's post, I realized how two great minds think alike. I also hated doing the fairy tale project because it took forever, and I also hated when kids acted bad in Mr. Shute's class while he is trying to teach a lesson. We also think Mr. Shute should be a lot more stricter on the students who act bad.
I never would have thought that Michael and myself would have any things in common, but we do. We both think that Mrs. Malone and Mrs. McNichols are great teachers because of there creative ways they help us learn. I also have become friends with David also, and I think that he is extremely funny too. Though, the real question is, who doesn't think David is funny.
I decided to comment on Hunter Glazner's post because he became one of my friends this year. We both had a good school year this year, though I found out that Hunter Glazner had a real sad time this year, which was when his fish died. I never lost a true pet before, but when I do I will be sad. I was also sad to hear that they lost their last game of the season by one point, after all that hard work, but I have been there before, and trust me it is not fun.
The last post I want to talk about is Lauren's. The reason why is because she said that she did not have a good school year. I can not say I never had a bad school year because I had a bad school year last year. Though, the main thing I noticed while reading through Lauren's post was that she said she was real defensive this year when people said things that she did not want to hear. Lauren, you are not alone because I am like that all the time.
While reading through people's post, you should have realized that we all are similar in some ways. I don't care how different you think you are from a person, you will always have similarities. This is why I loved this assignment because it is cool to find out how we are all similar.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

My School Year

Every school year has some high and lows.This school year was great over all. It definitely was the best school year I have ever had. I had many great things happen to me this year. I made really great friends, I was in a Christian atmosphere, and I got to play football. I did have some low times during this school year. I had to do a science project, I had a lot of homework, and I had to take an achievement test. People know me as a person who does not talk, but I have to tell you about this school year.
The first great thing that happened this year was that I made great friends. At my old school, I had a lot of friends, but they did very bad things. That is the reason why I came here. I also made many great friends this year such as, Hunter Goodson, Aaron Heatherly, and Miles. Hunter is almost just like me, which is kind of weird. He and I both like football, and we both left public school for the same reason. Aaron and Miles are great friends because they make me laugh, and they always wait for me to go to lunch because I am slow. Friends are one of the most important things in my life.
The second best thing thing that happened to me this school was that I was in a Christian atmosphere. When I enrolled into a public school in first grade, every thing was great, and it was that way until the sixth grade. In sixth grade there were things that happened that I can't even talk about. Though, I was ok with it until God really started to shine in my heart. I decided that I wanted something better, so I came to NBCA. When I arrived at NBCA, I found totally different classmates. They did not cuss a lot, and they were a lot more respectful. Though the thing I liked the most was that every subject that was taught, had God involved in it.
The third best thing that happened to me was that I got to play football. As you know football is very important to me, so when I was searching for a private school, it had to have football. When I heard NBCA had football, I decided to go there. One reason that I wanted to go play football here was that the head football coach started for Texas Tech at quarter back, and he is a Christian. When I walked out on the practice field I did not care what position I would play, but I ended up playing my two favorite positions, quarterback and linebacker, which was good since my coach was a quarterback in collage football. We had a rough year, but it was fun. I am definitely excited to play next year.
Like I said I had some low points during the school year, so, my first low point was that I had to do a science fair project. I never liked science, and I never will. Whenever I have a test in Science, I studied for at least five hours because there were a lot of things that I did not know. So, when I found out that I had to do a science fair project I was furious. At my old school you were not forced to do a science fair project, so why were we being forced to do a science fair project? Our teacher said it was because we would learn something in a creative way, but in my mind I knew I was going to learn nothing. A problem with this science fair project was that I started late because my mom did not want me to work on it over the Christmas break. So, when I finally started, I was running out of time, so I had to work very hard to finish the project. When I finally finished it, I thought it turned out really good. Though my teacher thought it was not that great because he gave me an eighty. This is why the Science Fair was my first low point of the school year.
The second low point I had this year was that I had a lot of homework. When I was in public school, I did not have a lot of homework, but when I was moving to a private school I knew I would have a lot of homework. Though when I arrived at school for my first day of school, I found out that I had more homework than I expected. That's just not right when you have homework on the first day of school. When I got home, all of my friends were hanging out with each other, but I was at home doing homework! But, the homework never slowed down. Every night, I have been up till twelve o' clock. One night, I went to bed at two and the woke up at five because of homework. I have prayed to God every night that I will not have much homework,and sometimes my prayers are answered. Homework has not slowed down this year, but I hear in eighth grade you don't have as much homework.
My third low point of the school year is when I had to take achievement test. In public school, I had to take the TAKS test. So, I expected the achievement tests to be similar to the TAKS test. Though, my teacher said it would be easier than the TAKS test, but she was wrong. It actually was harder than the TAKS test. Some of the questions involved things that I never heard of. Whenever I took the TAKS test, I would always worry. Though I worried just as much when I took the achievement tests. I am definitely not looking forward to taking them again next year.
Everybody has their high and lows every school year. I am one of them. I had a lot more highs than lows this year, unlike last year. Last year, was a horrible year for me. I had many lows such as, people making fun of me because I did the right thing. This year, I have not been made fun of, and I have been respected by many. Many great things have happened this year. I made friends, I was in a Christian atmosphere, and I got to play football. I love this school, and I can't wait to come back next year!

My Middle School Highs and Lows

My middle school year was full of highs and lows. Many people think middle school was a horrible part of their lives full of low times in their lives. I understand, because of all the homework and because their bodies are changing, it makes total sense. Yeah I had some lows, but most of my middle school times so far, have been great! The low times in my middle school career, sadly to say I did have bad times, I brushed off easily. I hope after these accounts of highs t you focus on the good times of your middle school years. Please don't focus on your bad times and defiantly don't comment about them.

My very first high in middle school. The first high I had in middle school was when I learned I had the opportunity to come to N.B.C.A.. I couldn't wait to come! The thrill of meeting new friends and having a new schedule. Being on a middle school football team and other things. Many people don't like changing schools. Again I understand, their bodies are changing, no just joking, they don't like it because they stick out as the new kid. That doesn't bother as much as most people.

My friends in middle school were and have been a high in my middle school life. My closest friends have been Ben, Aaron, and Miles. Out of those three friends Ben is my best friend. Even through the never ending tests and quizzes they were my friends. Through the bad and good times they were my friends. Even though every middle school day is a big difference from the last your friends don't change. They stay the same and to me true friends are a high in middle school.

My best middle school high was being able to join student council as a honorary member. It was about the middle of the school year and I was sweeping Mrs. A's room, my favorite teacher, where student council is held as I always do. When Aaron tells me it would be cool for me to be on student council. So, I went and asked Mrs. A and she said." yes!" Then she asked for a vote to see if the members wanted me to join. At that time I was hiding behind Mrs. A's desk afraid to look at the voting. I found out in a few minutes that I didn't have to worry because everybody voted for me joining student council.

My very first low in middle school. The first low in middle school was when our first football game was cancelled! It was about the beginning of the year and it was a very rainy day in Texas. I was worried when coming to my school that the rain would affect the game. Guess what I was right. It was cancelled. Why, because the field was under water. That made me very disappointed and frustrated. I now look at the cancelled game as a miracle. Because who knows, maybe we would have gotten in a car accident on the wet roads and God caused the field to be flooded by water so we wouldn't get hurt. Thank you God.

My biggest low in middle school! My biggest middle school low was when I heard that my favorite teacher was leaving next year. That teacher being, Mrs. A.. After all the fun times I had in her class all I could do was be sad. I wasn't the only one who was sad many others were too and we all tried to stop her. I do understand people have to move on to accomplish the other goals in her life but, I still will miss my FAVORITE TEACHER!

Going to eighth grade is a big low in my middle school life. Many people think that ending another year of school is great! Yes, it is but, after eight weeks of summer vacation you have to go back to school and learn new and harder stuff. I would rather stay in the same grade for along time. You also have to learn about new teachers and how they act to certain things. I rather stay with the same teachers. Don't get me wrong I love summer vacation but, starting a new year having to learn new stuff doesn't sound fun.

My middle school year was full of highs and lows. As you can see middle school has many different highs and lows. Everybody goes through different ones and sometimes the same. I wish that all reading this learned something. What? To always look at the highs of middle school. Don't focus on the low times like many people do because this just makes you sad and more disappointed then when it happened. I hope all going through lows in middle school or life in general look at the bright side of things.

By: Hunter Goodson

Sunday, May 16, 2010

My Predictions

My final blog assginment. This is the last time I will write on this blog, so I want to say thank you for reading! I kind of enjoyed sharing my thoughts and blogging with you. As a final blog assignment, I am going to share with you my prediction for the next year's Superbowl champion and why I am picking them.
After minutes of research, I think the Dallas Cowboys will play the NY Jets in the 2011 Superbowl. Why did I choose the Cowboys? I chose them because of their draft picks. Dez Bryant, Sean Lee, and Akwasi Owusu-Ansah will help the veterans like Romo, Witten and Ware to several victories. I think this will make them an unstoppable team! Why did I choose the Jets to be in the Superbowl? I chose them because of the great team they had in 2009 and because of their new draft picks and trades. Kyle Wilson, Vlad Ducasse and Ledamison Tomilson will be awesome additions to the Jets team. Even though Ledamison is getting older, he is a great football player and will be an asset to the team.
What do you think? Do you agree or disagree with me? I hope you will agree. If not, we'll have to wait until Superbowl 2011 to find out the answer!

Love for Texas High School Football

Friday nights,

full of excitement.

Thousands of fans,

screaming with cheers.

Concession stands,

preparing for a crowd.

Players in locker rooms,

nervous as can be.

When game time comes,

people take their seats,

watching their players take the field.


a whistle blows,

action is fierce,

no mercy is shown.

Half time comes,

giving a break for the players,

but not for the band.

They show their talent

and pride.

When music stops,

players take the field,

to give all they have.

Hits are louder,

and the fans are louder,

knowing that the game is coming to an end.

Winners are cheering,

but losers are silent.

Fans head to their cars

to go home.

Kids are sleeping,

dreaming for their time to shine.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Go Ref Go!


This picture proves refs are amazing athletes. Though most people think refs aren't. In fact, many people think they are a bunch of old guys yelling at young people. Those people are wrong. As it shows in this picture a NFL ref is punching a NFL football player. NFL players are one of the most physically fit athletes in the world. But the real question is whose at fault? And whose is the real man?

Some football players don't make good choices. The refs were going to introduce themselves to the players. The star Ram's running back decided to punch the ref that walked into door first. After waiting along time, a ref finally walked in the door. WAM! The player knocked out the ref. The player jumped up and down with laughter, not knowing what he did. The other players ran to the ref's rescue.

Don't leave a ref alone when he just was knocked out. The players left to start the game. The other refs also left to start the game. He suddenly, woke up from his deep sleep. He wondered why he was punched, but he didn't care because all that was his mind was revenge. He looked up at the clock and noticed it was game time. He ran out on to the field quickly looking for the player who punched him.

A ref's anger does not end without a result. The ref saw his victim while running to his position on the field. He whispered to himself, Once he runs up the middle I'll punch him square in the jaw.” “ Hut!” yelled the quarterback. The quarterback handed off the ball to the running back, the ref got ready. The running back ran right up the middle like the ref planned. He pulled his arm back for the punch of his life. WAM! The running back went down.

This proves refs are amazing athletes. To answer who started it, it was the player. Who is the real man, the ref. Though many of you will still think the player is the real man. If a ref ever takes down a football player he should be considered the real man. If you after all this think the football player is the real man ask yourself can you take down a football player? NO! Of course not! So, the lesson that we are trying to teach you by writing this post is, don't mess with a ref!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Assignment # 4 Part 1 Questions & Answers

1. Whose blog has a Beatles header?

A.: The person who has a Beatles header is Annamarie.

2. Who wrote about influences?

A.: The person who wrote about influencesis Helana.

3. Who has a summer count down clock posted on their blog? Hint: There's more than one.

A.: The people who has a summer contdown clock posted on their blog is Mrs. A, the person who is the blogger for the blog called "Day Dreaming", and the blogger for the blog called "Summer."

4. Who is going to own who on the basketball court?

A.: Hunter Glazner is going to own Roger, but Roger says he is going to own Hunter Glazner.

5. Who has been to Cancun?

A.: Michael and Aaron Gomez have been to Cancun.

6. Who has a cousin that plays in the NFL?

A.: The person who has a cousin that plays in the NFL is Ben Snoga.

7. Who is flyguy899?

A.: The person who is flyguy899 is Arthur.

8. How many blog pages have PacMan available to play?

A.: There are 2 blogs with Pacman aviable to play.

9. Who has movie trailers available for viewing at the click of a the mouse?

A.: The people who have movie trailers available for viewing at the click of a mouse is Stephen and Annamarie.

10. Whose blog title is a "Sound of Music" song?

A.: The person who has there blog title as one of the names of the "Sond of Music" songs is Katelyn.

11. Who has played "Jazz Band Jubilee" this school year?

A.: The person who played " Jazz Band Jubilee" is Lauren.

12. Who wrote in a blog post, "You don't forgive people because you are weak, you forgive people because you are strong enough to know how to."

A.: The person who wrote that in a blog post was Helana.

13. Frederick is...?

A.: Frederick is a turtle.

14. Who wrote, "Make Your Words Come To Life With Vivid Description," on their blog?

A.: The person who wrote that on their blog is Mrs. A.

15. Who is Chancho?

A.: Chancho is a llama.

16. Which band or artist pops up most on the 500 most popular albums and songs list?

A.: The band or artist who poped up the most on the 500 most popular albums and song list is the Beatles.

17. What colors are the pentagram?

A.: The colors of the pentagram are red, green, blue, and pink.

18. Who's going to cheerleading camp this summer?

A.: The person who is going to cheerleading camp this summer is Megan.

19. How many blogs have Justin Bieber playing on their playlist?

A.: There are six blogs that have Justin Bieber playing on their playlist.

20. Pickles Gone Wild wants you to feed what?

A.: Pickles GoneWild wants you to feed fish.

Assignment Four Part Two Questions & Answers

1. Q. Who has pictures of themselves on their blogs? A. A few people have pictures of themselves on their blog Aaron and Miles, Aaron G. and Michael, Miranda, Hannah, Katelyn, and Meagan have a few pictures o themselves on their blog.

2. Q. Who wrote, " I am working towards a better walk with God and trusting that He will help me trust others again too," on her blog? A. Kristin wrote that on her blog.

3. Q. Who learned contemporary dance this year? A. Hannah Baker learned contemporary dance this year.

4. Q. To live this life I need a heartbeat. to have a heartbeat I need a heart. To have a heart I need happiness. To have happiness I need you." Whose blog shares these heart felt words? A. Shelby wrote these words on her blog.

5. Q. How many blogs have posted polls? Of the polls that have been posted, which one is your favorite? A. There are eight blogs that have posted polls. My favorite poll is the one on Andrew's and David's blog where it asks you if you basically hate or love their blog.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Ben's Love For The Game

I have a very passionate love for the game of football. Some people say that the game of life is baseball, but to me the game of life is football. Football does not only get you in shape, but it also makes you more disciplined. It definitely has made me more disciplined since I started playing the game. I love football more than any other sport, and it will always be my favorite sport no matter what. My favorite part about football is the feeling of nailing someone into the ground. For all the people who hate people, I think you are crazy!

My history with football in my life is very interesting. Ever since I was about the five years old, I have loved football. When I was five I rember siting down with my dad, and watching something that caught my eye. what caught my eye was the great game football. After I saw that wonderful game, I never stopped loving football. When I was about 7 I was not allow to play football because I was to young, but when I was 8 my dream came true. I played four years for the Navarro Panthers youth team, and I developed into a great player. Recently, I played my first year in middle school football, and I played quarterback and middle linebacker. Right know, I am trying to make my dream of going to Notre Dame and playing football by working out hard.

As you can see, I love football, and I don't know what my life would be like with out football. Another great I love about football is that it can help you set great goals for yourself. for example, my goal is playing football for Notre Dame, and Notre Dame is a very prestigious school. I also love football because because it is great for releasing your anger. I have used football for releasing my anger when I am really mad at somebody because you can get away with driving somebody into the ground. One day, if I have a kid that is a boy, I will introduce him to football. Though I will not force him to like it. So after I have told you how much I love football, you can say I love football just as much as anybody in the world.

My Career as a Football Player

I have an amazing football career! I love football and the first year I got to play tackle football I was psyched. After signing up I started to train by running, doing push-ups, and sit-ups. I did everything I thought I could do to prepare for the up coming season. After working out for many weeks the season arrived. We first got our pads and practice uniforms, within those very days of getting the pads we had our first practice. During the practice m hard work paid off.
My second year of football was just like the first. When I started my second season almost everything was same from the games we played to some of the players on the team. Also the team, Buffaloes, I was on was the same. The only real difference was the coach and workout plan. Unlike the first year we did fewer one hundred yard dashes and less shuttle runs. Another big difference was that we lost every game but one which was different from the first season because we went to the city championships. Even though we did not do very well I had a great time.
Middle school football is different from youth football leagues. Everything was different in middle school football from coaches, players, and teams we played. This season was like the last, one win. Another thing that was new, was I got to play on offense. Unlike my other two seasons playing on defense. Overall I think that I have grown to love football more through the years of playing. Along with growing to love football I know I have gain skills and knowledge of the game.

Monday, May 3, 2010

About Hunter

Hey, it's Hunter! Man I love football, all I do is play football. I have been playing tackle football for three years comming on four. Besides I love to eat,see, as a growing boy I need my food. My favorite foods are ramon noodles, chicken sandwhiches, and salad. My goal in life is to go to West Point then join the Army. I haven't decided what I want to do in the Army, I might do parachuting or engineering. Many people say that joining the military is crazy, but to me it's an accomplishment.

About Ben

Hi, I am Ben and I am one of the creators of " The NFL Sports Blog." I am a football fan as you can see. My favorite football team in the NFL is the Dallas Cowboys, though the Seattle Seahawks may become my favorite team very soon. See my cousin, Joe Pawelek, signed as a free agent with the Seattle Seahawks. Though there are 104 players tryinig to make the team! Anyways back to me. I love playing football during my free time. Some of my favorite foods are steak, brisket, and sausage. Don't you just love BBQ. So as you can see, I am a fanatic football, BBQ loving fan.