Monday, May 3, 2010

About Hunter

Hey, it's Hunter! Man I love football, all I do is play football. I have been playing tackle football for three years comming on four. Besides I love to eat,see, as a growing boy I need my food. My favorite foods are ramon noodles, chicken sandwhiches, and salad. My goal in life is to go to West Point then join the Army. I haven't decided what I want to do in the Army, I might do parachuting or engineering. Many people say that joining the military is crazy, but to me it's an accomplishment.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, you really do love football! I think it is awesome that you want to be in the military. Military people are heroes to our country, and they should always be honored by everyone! I look forward to reading more about you on your blog.
    ~Mrs. A
