Friday, May 14, 2010

Go Ref Go!


This picture proves refs are amazing athletes. Though most people think refs aren't. In fact, many people think they are a bunch of old guys yelling at young people. Those people are wrong. As it shows in this picture a NFL ref is punching a NFL football player. NFL players are one of the most physically fit athletes in the world. But the real question is whose at fault? And whose is the real man?

Some football players don't make good choices. The refs were going to introduce themselves to the players. The star Ram's running back decided to punch the ref that walked into door first. After waiting along time, a ref finally walked in the door. WAM! The player knocked out the ref. The player jumped up and down with laughter, not knowing what he did. The other players ran to the ref's rescue.

Don't leave a ref alone when he just was knocked out. The players left to start the game. The other refs also left to start the game. He suddenly, woke up from his deep sleep. He wondered why he was punched, but he didn't care because all that was his mind was revenge. He looked up at the clock and noticed it was game time. He ran out on to the field quickly looking for the player who punched him.

A ref's anger does not end without a result. The ref saw his victim while running to his position on the field. He whispered to himself, Once he runs up the middle I'll punch him square in the jaw.” “ Hut!” yelled the quarterback. The quarterback handed off the ball to the running back, the ref got ready. The running back ran right up the middle like the ref planned. He pulled his arm back for the punch of his life. WAM! The running back went down.

This proves refs are amazing athletes. To answer who started it, it was the player. Who is the real man, the ref. Though many of you will still think the player is the real man. If a ref ever takes down a football player he should be considered the real man. If you after all this think the football player is the real man ask yourself can you take down a football player? NO! Of course not! So, the lesson that we are trying to teach you by writing this post is, don't mess with a ref!

1 comment:

  1. Good advice, "Don't mess with the ref." So true. Great job! I need to know which one of you wrote this please:)
    ~Mrs. A
