Tuesday, May 18, 2010

My School Year

Every school year has some high and lows.This school year was great over all. It definitely was the best school year I have ever had. I had many great things happen to me this year. I made really great friends, I was in a Christian atmosphere, and I got to play football. I did have some low times during this school year. I had to do a science project, I had a lot of homework, and I had to take an achievement test. People know me as a person who does not talk, but I have to tell you about this school year.
The first great thing that happened this year was that I made great friends. At my old school, I had a lot of friends, but they did very bad things. That is the reason why I came here. I also made many great friends this year such as, Hunter Goodson, Aaron Heatherly, and Miles. Hunter is almost just like me, which is kind of weird. He and I both like football, and we both left public school for the same reason. Aaron and Miles are great friends because they make me laugh, and they always wait for me to go to lunch because I am slow. Friends are one of the most important things in my life.
The second best thing thing that happened to me this school was that I was in a Christian atmosphere. When I enrolled into a public school in first grade, every thing was great, and it was that way until the sixth grade. In sixth grade there were things that happened that I can't even talk about. Though, I was ok with it until God really started to shine in my heart. I decided that I wanted something better, so I came to NBCA. When I arrived at NBCA, I found totally different classmates. They did not cuss a lot, and they were a lot more respectful. Though the thing I liked the most was that every subject that was taught, had God involved in it.
The third best thing that happened to me was that I got to play football. As you know football is very important to me, so when I was searching for a private school, it had to have football. When I heard NBCA had football, I decided to go there. One reason that I wanted to go play football here was that the head football coach started for Texas Tech at quarter back, and he is a Christian. When I walked out on the practice field I did not care what position I would play, but I ended up playing my two favorite positions, quarterback and linebacker, which was good since my coach was a quarterback in collage football. We had a rough year, but it was fun. I am definitely excited to play next year.
Like I said I had some low points during the school year, so, my first low point was that I had to do a science fair project. I never liked science, and I never will. Whenever I have a test in Science, I studied for at least five hours because there were a lot of things that I did not know. So, when I found out that I had to do a science fair project I was furious. At my old school you were not forced to do a science fair project, so why were we being forced to do a science fair project? Our teacher said it was because we would learn something in a creative way, but in my mind I knew I was going to learn nothing. A problem with this science fair project was that I started late because my mom did not want me to work on it over the Christmas break. So, when I finally started, I was running out of time, so I had to work very hard to finish the project. When I finally finished it, I thought it turned out really good. Though my teacher thought it was not that great because he gave me an eighty. This is why the Science Fair was my first low point of the school year.
The second low point I had this year was that I had a lot of homework. When I was in public school, I did not have a lot of homework, but when I was moving to a private school I knew I would have a lot of homework. Though when I arrived at school for my first day of school, I found out that I had more homework than I expected. That's just not right when you have homework on the first day of school. When I got home, all of my friends were hanging out with each other, but I was at home doing homework! But, the homework never slowed down. Every night, I have been up till twelve o' clock. One night, I went to bed at two and the woke up at five because of homework. I have prayed to God every night that I will not have much homework,and sometimes my prayers are answered. Homework has not slowed down this year, but I hear in eighth grade you don't have as much homework.
My third low point of the school year is when I had to take achievement test. In public school, I had to take the TAKS test. So, I expected the achievement tests to be similar to the TAKS test. Though, my teacher said it would be easier than the TAKS test, but she was wrong. It actually was harder than the TAKS test. Some of the questions involved things that I never heard of. Whenever I took the TAKS test, I would always worry. Though I worried just as much when I took the achievement tests. I am definitely not looking forward to taking them again next year.
Everybody has their high and lows every school year. I am one of them. I had a lot more highs than lows this year, unlike last year. Last year, was a horrible year for me. I had many lows such as, people making fun of me because I did the right thing. This year, I have not been made fun of, and I have been respected by many. Many great things have happened this year. I made friends, I was in a Christian atmosphere, and I got to play football. I love this school, and I can't wait to come back next year!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. This was very good Ben! I thank you for putting my name in there. I hope you homework is less than it has been!


  3. I do not like the homework either

  4. Ben you are a dedicated person and you win the medal of honor from my list. I'm glad you made lots of friends and I hope you continue to enjoy N.B.C.A.!
    By the way. I did not read my name in your list.Hmmmmmmm.......
    -Aaron Gomez

  5. Ben, you really are a dedicated student, and I am so happy that you love school so much. You will have so much success in your future because you love to learn! One of my highs was having you as a student! Thank you for blessing me this year.
    ~Mrs. A
