Tuesday, May 18, 2010

My Middle School Highs and Lows

My middle school year was full of highs and lows. Many people think middle school was a horrible part of their lives full of low times in their lives. I understand, because of all the homework and because their bodies are changing, it makes total sense. Yeah I had some lows, but most of my middle school times so far, have been great! The low times in my middle school career, sadly to say I did have bad times, I brushed off easily. I hope after these accounts of highs t you focus on the good times of your middle school years. Please don't focus on your bad times and defiantly don't comment about them.

My very first high in middle school. The first high I had in middle school was when I learned I had the opportunity to come to N.B.C.A.. I couldn't wait to come! The thrill of meeting new friends and having a new schedule. Being on a middle school football team and other things. Many people don't like changing schools. Again I understand, their bodies are changing, no just joking, they don't like it because they stick out as the new kid. That doesn't bother as much as most people.

My friends in middle school were and have been a high in my middle school life. My closest friends have been Ben, Aaron, and Miles. Out of those three friends Ben is my best friend. Even through the never ending tests and quizzes they were my friends. Through the bad and good times they were my friends. Even though every middle school day is a big difference from the last your friends don't change. They stay the same and to me true friends are a high in middle school.

My best middle school high was being able to join student council as a honorary member. It was about the middle of the school year and I was sweeping Mrs. A's room, my favorite teacher, where student council is held as I always do. When Aaron tells me it would be cool for me to be on student council. So, I went and asked Mrs. A and she said." yes!" Then she asked for a vote to see if the members wanted me to join. At that time I was hiding behind Mrs. A's desk afraid to look at the voting. I found out in a few minutes that I didn't have to worry because everybody voted for me joining student council.

My very first low in middle school. The first low in middle school was when our first football game was cancelled! It was about the beginning of the year and it was a very rainy day in Texas. I was worried when coming to my school that the rain would affect the game. Guess what I was right. It was cancelled. Why, because the field was under water. That made me very disappointed and frustrated. I now look at the cancelled game as a miracle. Because who knows, maybe we would have gotten in a car accident on the wet roads and God caused the field to be flooded by water so we wouldn't get hurt. Thank you God.

My biggest low in middle school! My biggest middle school low was when I heard that my favorite teacher was leaving next year. That teacher being, Mrs. A.. After all the fun times I had in her class all I could do was be sad. I wasn't the only one who was sad many others were too and we all tried to stop her. I do understand people have to move on to accomplish the other goals in her life but, I still will miss my FAVORITE TEACHER!

Going to eighth grade is a big low in my middle school life. Many people think that ending another year of school is great! Yes, it is but, after eight weeks of summer vacation you have to go back to school and learn new and harder stuff. I would rather stay in the same grade for along time. You also have to learn about new teachers and how they act to certain things. I rather stay with the same teachers. Don't get me wrong I love summer vacation but, starting a new year having to learn new stuff doesn't sound fun.

My middle school year was full of highs and lows. As you can see middle school has many different highs and lows. Everybody goes through different ones and sometimes the same. I wish that all reading this learned something. What? To always look at the highs of middle school. Don't focus on the low times like many people do because this just makes you sad and more disappointed then when it happened. I hope all going through lows in middle school or life in general look at the bright side of things.

By: Hunter Goodson


  1. That was really engaging! I like how you said" Don't focus on the low times like many people do because this just makes you sad and more disappointed than when it happened."

    -Michael Page

  2. Hunter, you are such a great writer! I love it when you write about YOU because you really reveal yourself as a talented writer. Thank you for including me as one of your highs! You have truly blessed my spirit. Admittedly, you are one of my highs as well. I have been so blessed by you throughout this year, and I love talking to you about so many different things! You really make me LAUGH!
    ~Mrs. A
