Monday, May 24, 2010

Comments by Ben

For our assignment number eight, we had to comment on 5 people's post about their highs and lows of the school year. The five people's post I decided to comment on was David's, Arthur's, Lauren's, Michael's, and Hunter Glazner's. When reading these posts I found interesting things, like how I had something in common with all of these people. So, now I will tell you about what I thought about their posts.
Me and David were both new students this year, so I decide to comment on his post. In his post he said that he met the most friendliest friends this year, which was kind o funny because I also met real friendly friends this year also. Though I was sad for David that he did not get to play golf because he never got the news that they were going to have a golf team, but I do agree with him that our sports programs will be a lot better next year.
When I was reading through Arthur's post, I realized how two great minds think alike. I also hated doing the fairy tale project because it took forever, and I also hated when kids acted bad in Mr. Shute's class while he is trying to teach a lesson. We also think Mr. Shute should be a lot more stricter on the students who act bad.
I never would have thought that Michael and myself would have any things in common, but we do. We both think that Mrs. Malone and Mrs. McNichols are great teachers because of there creative ways they help us learn. I also have become friends with David also, and I think that he is extremely funny too. Though, the real question is, who doesn't think David is funny.
I decided to comment on Hunter Glazner's post because he became one of my friends this year. We both had a good school year this year, though I found out that Hunter Glazner had a real sad time this year, which was when his fish died. I never lost a true pet before, but when I do I will be sad. I was also sad to hear that they lost their last game of the season by one point, after all that hard work, but I have been there before, and trust me it is not fun.
The last post I want to talk about is Lauren's. The reason why is because she said that she did not have a good school year. I can not say I never had a bad school year because I had a bad school year last year. Though, the main thing I noticed while reading through Lauren's post was that she said she was real defensive this year when people said things that she did not want to hear. Lauren, you are not alone because I am like that all the time.
While reading through people's post, you should have realized that we all are similar in some ways. I don't care how different you think you are from a person, you will always have similarities. This is why I loved this assignment because it is cool to find out how we are all similar.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, you really wrote alot about your comments! Excellent!
    ~Mrs. A
